Take another look at groov EPIC

Darran News

Get an up-to-date overview of the groov EPIC system in only two minutes with this new video.

Since its release in 2018, groov EPIC has continued to evolve, with new features that make it an even stronger choice for your IIoT and automation applications.

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Envision with Ignition

Darran News

The annual Ignition Community Conference will be a free, virtual event this year.

Inductive Automation’s annual Ignition Community Conference (ICC) provides unique opportunities to get expert tips from Ignition trainers, see real-world Ignition projects from other industries, and meet with industry leaders and subject-matter experts from around the world of industrial automation. As with most 2020 conferences, the show must go on but in a virtual format, and Opto 22 will be there too.

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Think Ignition I/O – Grantek and Opto 22 show you groov RIO in action

Darran News

This month’s Ignition Community Live event with OptoPartner Grantek is now available for on-demand viewing.

You might recall from earlier OptoBlog posts that we always jump at the chance to be a part of Ignition Community Live events. They are a great way to show off how seamlessly groov EPIC and groov RIO work with Inductive Automation’s Ignition® platform. This time, Opto 22’s Benson Hougland joined forces with Doug Yerger from Grantek for a cross-country demo.

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An EPIC Case Study: American Metal Processing

Darran News

The nation’s largest rotary heat-treating facility improves reliability, alarming, operator control, traceability, and data logging with groov EPIC.

When their PLCs began experiencing regular failures and the operating system of their HMI approached its end of life, American Metal Processing (AMP) knew it was “on borrowed time.” In addition, the majority of system components were not integrated or automated beyond direct motor control. What was the best road to a modern system? How could the company achieve the data integrity, tracking, and connectivity required by their customers?

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Opto 22: Reconfigured and ready

Darran News

Our sales and engineering teams have implemented new online strategies to help with your automation projects.

Even before the onset of COVID-19, Opto 22 had begun reconfiguring its sales operations to better serve you. With today’s business world relying on remote and online capabilities, we’ve now adapted to provide even more flexible, integrated support. 

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groov RIO mini case studies

Darran News

See what people are up to with Opto 22’s new edge I/O module.

groov RIO has been available for a few months, and people are already surprising us with how they’re putting it to work. Here are a few of the amazing examples we’ve seen from our early adopters.

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New White Paper: Building Industrial IoT from Edge to Cloud

Darran News

See how next-generation edge-based distributed I/O and controllers open new possibilities for connected infrastructure.

In the field of industrial automation, terms like digital transformation, the industrial internet of things (IIoT), or edge computing have become common topics of discussion. Today’s businesses have IoT goals. End users need devices and applications to share data seamlessly across machines, sites, and the enterprise so they can optimize production and reduce costs. How do we achieve these goals?

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More OptoPartners = more options for completing your IoT projects

Darran News

Welcome five new automation and integration companies to the OptoPartner program.

We’ve introduced several new OptoPartner integrators this year, and that list continues to grow. Opto 22 is pleased to partner with more automation experts in the field who have a proven track record of success. We’d like you to meet the latest additions to the OptoPartner community:

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SNAP PAC Firmware 10.3b available now

Darran News

The latest firmware release for all SNAP PAC controllers and brains addresses important security fixes.

For all you SNAP PAC users, an important update is available now! SNAP PAC firmware 10.3b is ready for download.

This latest maintenance release has some noteworthy updates you’ll want to review. You can check out the README for a complete list of bug fixes and exact details. It lists revision changes made to the firmware used in SNAP PAC S-series, R-series, and SoftPAC controllers; SNAP PAC EB-series and SB-series brains; and G4EB2 and G4D32EB2 brains.

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