New OptoWebinar this month: Getting an Edge in Automation

Darran News

Join Opto 22 for an hour presentation and live demonstrations of edge computing platforms groov EPIC and groov RIO in action.

You’ve heard us talk about our groov family of products and have probably watched a video, read a white paper, or reviewed a data sheet on our website about either the groov EPIC controller or groov RIO edge I/O. Now for the first time we’re demonstrating them working together in an all-new webinar!

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Learn how to log I/O data to text file in Node-RED

Darran News

New video released this week shows you how to turn groov RIO into a continuous datalogger

Another week means another video to add to your collection of Node-RED tools and technical tips. Last week our developer video host, Terry Orchard, demonstrated how to create Node-RED flows that interact with groov EPIC’s embedded HMI server in “How to use the Node-RED package for groov View”. This week, Terry is back in the studio with the groov RIO edge I/O module showing us how to save I/O data to a flat file.

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Learning how to use groov EPIC

Darran News

The groov EPIC edge programmable industrial controller can do so much—but where do you start?

Do you want to learn about groov EPIC but aren’t sure where to start? Are you curious about how to securely share your sensor data with other applications, want to learn different ways to write a control program, read data from other PLCs, or explore the range of features groov EPIC offers?

To help you navigate learning, register for free, step-by-step training courses at OptoU.

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Recognized as a 2021 Leader in Automation

Darran HMI, News

The results are in from Automation World magazine’s 10th annual Leadership in Automation program.

Opto 22 has once again been recognized as a First Team supplier in automation for 2021. Hundreds of Automation World subscribers cast their votes during the past year which required them to write-in their ballot choices with unaided recall. Over two dozen categories were featured, representing a wide variety of automation technologies, software, and products used by today’s manufacturing professionals across the discrete, batch, and continuous process manufacturing industries.

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Meet the newest members of the OptoPartner program

Darran News

We’re starting the new year by welcoming 8 new automation and integration companies to the OptoPartner program.

We’ve introduced several new OptoPartner integrators this past year, and that list continues to grow in 2021. Opto 22 is pleased to partner with more automation experts in the field who have a proven track record of success. We asked these new partners to introduce themselves to the Opto community and this is what they shared:

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SNAP PAC Firmware 10.4c available now

Darran News

The latest firmware release for all SNAP PAC controllers and brains introduces new features as well as addresses important bug fixes.

For all you SNAP PAC users, an important update is available now! SNAP PAC firmware 10.4c is ready for download.

This latest maintenance release has some noteworthy updates you’ll want to review. You can check out the README for a complete list of enhancements and bug fixes. It lists revision changes made to the firmware used in SNAP PAC S-series, R-series, and SoftPAC controllers; SNAP PAC EB-series and SB-series brains; and G4EB2 and G4D32EB2 brains.

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OptoPartner Video – Indoor Grow Systems by Microclimates

Darran News

groov RIO provides a scalable automation architecture for their customers

Our next OptoPartner video installment is very unique in that it includes a live demo. Microclimates CTO and Co-Founder Loren West explains how more agriculture is “coming indoors”, as it allows growers more control over the food they produce. Automation plays a key role in this expanding business segment. The Microclimates control system is based around a software core that is delivered on Opto 22’s groov RIO, a platform that fits nicely into IIoT applications requiring simple data exchange between software or cloud applications and field I/O.

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Join us at the CODESYS Tech Talk

Darran News

The upcoming 5-day virtual event is your chance to learn, engage and discuss CODESYS tech innovations and engineering in real-time.

CODESYS is a free, platform-independent IEC 61131-3 programming tool for industrial automation systems. And if you use groov EPIC controllers, you already know EPIC supports CODESYS as a control programming option and runtime engine. CODESYS GmbH is one of Opto 22’s valued Technology Partners, so we jumped at the invitation to be a part of their annual user conference.

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Learn the power of SSH on groov EPIC

Darran News

Terry Orchard is back in his studio to give you a video overview of the Secure Shell Access (SSH) feature on groov  EPIC.

Whether you’re already using Opto 22’s groov EPIC or have been researching its features, it’s important to note the extensive programming options it comes with. You can use the easy flow chart-based PAC Control, the familiar IEC 61131-3 compliant languages of CODESYS, or build Node-RED flows to move data.

But, did you know EPIC allows you to build your own custom applications using languages you know like Python, C/C++ and run them on an open, Linux®-based operating system? That’s the topic of Terry Orchard’s latest video, part of the new Opto 22 Developer series.

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