CAN Protocol Integration Kit for PAC Project, Receive Only
NOTE: This part number replaces an old part number, PAC-INT-CAN.
This Opto 22 CAN Integration Kit for PAC Project – Receive Only provides a sample PAC Control strategy to enable your Opto 22 SNAP PAC System equipped with one or more SNAP-SCM-CAN2B modules to receive data from devices on a Controller Area Network (CAN network).
The sample strategy in the PAC-INT-CAN-RX integration kit runs on an Opto 22 SNAP PAC controller, and includes a variety of Parameter Group Numbers (PGNs) for use with J1939, NMEA 2000, ISO 11783, and other communication standards. Depending on your CAN’s implementation, you may be able to use the strategy as-is; if not, you can modify or add to it to work with your system.
The sample strategy includes:- CAN_Comm chart, which receives data from one to four Opto 22 SNAP-SCM-CAN2B modules. The module can receive all CAN data or you can filter by PGN.
– Data_Extract chart, which converts the PGN data to variables for each PGN at each address.
– Get_CAN_Data subroutine, which you can add to your strategy.
Form 1983, the CAN RX Integration Kit for PAC Project Guide, documents the integration kit.
IMPORTANT: If you also need to send data, use the CAN Integration Kit for PAC Project – Transmit and Receive (part number PAC-INT-CAN-RXTX) instead of this one. To both send and receive data, your SNAP-SCM-CAN2B serial module must have firmware 2.0b or higher. (You can upgrade firmware following steps in the PAC Manager User’s Guide.)