SNAP CAN (Controller Area Network) Communication Module
The SNAP-SCM-CAN2B serial communication module provides one channel for transmitting and receiving data from devices on a Controller Area Network (CAN).
The SNAP-SCM-CAN2B module is designed for use with Opto 22’s SNAP PAC R-series controllers and SNAP PAC EB-series brains, both the standard wired models and the Wired+Wireless™ models. The brain or controller processes the data from the module and can communicate the data to other parts of an Opto 22 SNAP PAC System or to another system (such as a Modbus® system or an OPC client).
The SNAP-SCM-CAN2B requires PAC Project version R9.2a or newer, and the R-series controller or EB-series brain used with the module must have firmware version R9.2a or newer. This module does not work with legacy brains or controllers.
The SNAP-SCM-CAN2B mounts on a SNAP PAC rack alongside other SNAP I/O modules (analog, digital, and serial) to provide the mix of signals needed at any location.
Opto 22’s CAN Integration Kit for PAC Project – Transmit and Receive (part number PAC-INT-CAN-RXTX) provides sample PAC Control subroutines and flowcharts to help you configure your module and exchange data. You can modify the subroutines and charts as necessary for your application. To use the integration kit, see form 2151, the CAN RX/TX Integration Kit for PAC Project Technical Note.
IMPORTANT: This module includes both transmit and receive capability beginning with module firmware R2.0b. Modules with firmware R1.0d and lower can only receive data; these modules use a different integration kit (PAC-INT-CAN-RX).
To add transmit capability to an existing module, download the newer firmware and then follow steps in the PAC Manager User’s Guide (form 1704) to update the firmware.