G1 Flatpak I/O module 5v Logic
Because of their low profile, Flat Pak modules are ideal for user-designed printed circuit boards where the standard single-channel or Quad Pak modules do not provide an exact fit.
The IAC5P handles 90-140 VAC or VDC.
Flat Pak input modules are used for sensing ON/OFF voltage levels. All Flat Pak input modules are designed with filtering on the input and a hysteresis amplifier for high noise rejection and transient free “clean” switching. Each module provides up to 4000 V of optical isolation between field inputs and the logic side of the circuit.
Typical uses and applications include sensing the presence or absence of voltage from sources such as:
– Proximity switches
– Limit switches
– Selector switches
– Push-button and toggle switches
– Thermostats
– Photoelectric switches
– TTL-compatible devices