cMT-SVR-100 | Apple/Android Compatible | Ethernet
The cMT-SVR-100 and cMT-SVR-102 are HMIs without a display or a touchscreen offering dual Ethernet, a serial port, and convenient DIN rail mounting. The cMT-SVR models helps you meet your industrial control needs on your preferred display of choice:
- cMT-iV5 display
- Apple iPad
- Android tablet
- Apple/Android smart phone
- Windows Surface Pro tablet
- Desktop computer/laptop
cMT-SVR-100 | Apple/Android Compatible | Ethernet
HMI meets wireless control. The cMT-SVR-100 is a remote data HMI from Weintek Labs (UK). It can be used to monitor PLC operation and display information on the cMT-iV5 display as well as on a wireless tablet/smart phone. This unit has no visual display. The compact, robust cMT-SVR-100 allows you to connect wirelessly to a variety of devices (via a router) to access your industrial control system. Remotely check for status updates/alarm conditions anywhere on the plant floor using a tablet, smart phone, or laptop.