SNAP-PACLC – SNAP PAC Learning Centre

SKU: SNAP-PACLC Category: Rack Mount Tags: Communication, Digital, Ethernet, Processor

SNAP-PACLC – SNAP PAC Learning Centre

The SNAP PAC Learning Center is a fully functional, complete package of Opto 22 hardware and software that provides everything you need to learn about Opto 22’s SNAP PAC System. The Learning Center includes PAC Project Basic software, a SNAP-PAC-R1 rack-mounted controller, SNAP I/O modules and mounting rack, and a load panel with digital and analog sensors and actuators (switches, LEDs, a temperature probe, a meter, and so on). The included step-by-step tutorial guides you through the hardware assembly and software installation and gives you hands-on programming experience with the PAC Project software. You will configure I/O points, read and write to those points, create several flowcharts as part of a control strategy, and build a graphical user interface.

Product Datasheet